
An online CV that I can direct client requests to

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Peter Pilgrim Digital CV

So you want to work with me in 2023 or beyond? Or perhaps, you are interested in a consultancy?

Let me introduce myself. I am Peter Pilgrim, a long standing software developer with achievements. I am a member of the Java Champions (you have to be chosen by others for this honour, in the style of Italian-American crime fiction “Made”).

Since October 1997, I have been writing Java programs professionally. Theseday, I still contribute to JDK 11 and hopefully JDK 17 applications, but my backgrounds goes way further back than that to C, C++, Turbo C++, Fortran 77, Borland Turbo Pascal, Standard Pascal, BBC BASIC, Research Machines Limited BASIC 380Z and 6502 assembly language programming. You see I am learnt to program as a teenager in the 1980s.

I stopped contracting in the UK in 2021. I closed my UK LTD business, I did one 12 month fixed-term contract and I witnessed the death-knell UK contracting, because of the widely detested Off-Payroll Worker Rules devastate the British contracting business. Of course, you all know about COVID-19 and now I prefer remote working (or least remote-first).

In 2021, I become a Technical Consultant / Senior Manager at Cognizant and a permanent employee.

Did you know that I was the Closing Keynote speaker for QCon London 2022? This event was held at the prestiguous Queen Elizabeth II conference centre in Westminister. It was the first conference in-person after the pandemic that I met attendees, who wore masks inside the presentation rooms. I was so proud and surprised to be selected by the committee.

Base Requirements

My requirements for 2023 are:

Please read my Linkedin profile for accurate information

So in a nutshell:

I am looking for a permanent base salary from £90K to £110K in 2023. I will also consider contract roles for at least 6 months from £550 per day Inside IR35. I stopped contracting December 2020 and I closed my Limited Company.

PS: I will NOT work for directly or indirectly for gambling, betting and gaming clients.

Recent Technologies

Here are my last two engagements inside Cognizant:

Overview: Java Developer Consultant, Assistant Digital

Technologies: Java 17, Open JDK, Kubernetes, Rancher, Mockito, JUnit 5, MongoDB (Robo 3T), Eclipse Jetty, JAX-RS for RESTful Services, Kafka Broker, Quartz, Bazel (Buck)

Summary: Working for Department Work & Pensions (DWP) and Universal Credit project enhancements.

Overview: Developer Consultant, Technical Lead

Technologies: Java 11, Web CMS, JAX_RS, Gradle and Spring Boot

Summary: Working for Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO) and delivering EZRI Guidance tool and Overseas Casework Management Tool using the tech stack Java 8 / Java 11, Open JDK, Java CMS 7.3/7.4, Scala 2.13, Kubernetes v1.21, Helm 3.54, AWS Console

I care about company culture and people

In my opinion, disappointedly, I don’t see many serious Black managers and people who look like me who have been promoted inside organisations, perhaps, because I spent several years as a contractor. So I will have more respect for companies that have evidence of a new approach. I will look at your executive deision makers on the web.

I really do care about software technology and people who build the great products that we rely on everyday. In 2020, during the pandemic, I actually wrote, created and produced a non-technical online course on Vimeo called How to improve your personal performance in Java technology? (not free £££$$$). So excuse me and no offence intended if I refuse to join a “toxic culture” organisation.

I care about code and quality

I speak

I have been invited to speak at conferences and User Group Meet-ups.

I was so proud and honoured to be chosen to speak at QCon London 2022. I performed this non-technical talk called Software Engineering Towards Sustainable Empathic Capacities. It was the Closing Keynote of the conference too.

I have spoken at plenty of conferences. Here is a short list.

Back in the day, I founded a London technoology group called the Java Web User Group (JAVAWUG), which ran between 2004 and 2011.

Are you still interested?

More Information

Contact me:

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+PP+ (C) 2023